Market Applications

Market Applications

For over thirty years, we’ve designed efficient and high-performing systems to meet the demands of the most challenging applications. Our design and engineering expertise means that our systems meet the most precise requirements in sound and vibration reduction, energy efficiency, air filtration, and bacteria control, and are certified according to the most stringent IBC and OSHPD standards.

As the leader in providing custom solutions, we pride ourselves on understanding our customers to ensure their critical needs are satisfied.

Data Centers

Energy Labs’ engineering, manufacturing, and testing capabilities make it a one-stop source for Data Center operators striving to improve their bottom line.

We routinely provide design and selection assistance, CFD analysis, energy analysis, and in-house laboratory testing to prove design concepts and achieve power usage effectiveness, water usage effectiveness, and total cost of ownership benefits.


As system owners and operators, colleges and universities are keenly aware of broad system-performance requirements, and the total cost of ownership benefits of custom air-handling systems.

Having been involved with solving system challenges for academic institutions since its inception, Energy Labs has developed the flexibility, long-term reliability, and support, crucial to the institutional owner.

Equipment flexibility and design support is available to address wide-ranging needs – from the special acoustic demands of classroom and auditorium environments to the filtration and energy recovery needs of critical laboratory spaces – all with the underlying performance, reliability, serviceability and longevity benefits of equipment designed for the long haul.

Healthcare  • Manufacturing  • Military  • Convention Centers  • Food & Beverage

Performing Arts

Energy Labs is uniquely positioned to meet the acoustical demands of performing-arts facilities. By investing in a full-scale AMCA accredited air performance and sound test facility at its factory, Energy Labs accurately predicts, designs and delivers optimum fan acoustic performance. An AMCA 300 fan sound test of our finished product can be performed in-house prior to shipment.

Combined with a variety of sound attenuation options, high-efficiency fans, and flexible cabinet configurations, we ensure the audience hears the show, not the HVAC system.

Medical / Labs

Energy Labs consistently meets the demands ofhospitals and critical care facilities that rely on theirHVAC systems 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Our robust design features – energy recovery, redundantfan systems, ease of service access, stainless steelconstruction, all-copper coils, and multi-stagefiltration options such as HEPA filters, LED lighting, andUVC lights – make Energy Labs’ systems the choicefor reliable, and economical, operation.

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